Project #1 Generative Design

Click to generate different moon positions.


This is my project. The moon appears in different positions when the mouse is clicked.

Design Process

My generative thing is stars in the night sky with a moon. I gave the stars a random element to make it seem like the stars are twinkling. My original plan was to have the moon and stars appear in random positions every time the code was run by using the random function and probability, but I couldn’t figure out how to do that without the moon appearing in random locations every second. I opted for having the moon change position every time the mouse was pressed. I created variables for the x and y locations of the moon and set them equal to a random function. The unpredictability component of the project is the stars in the night sky (since they use a random function and you don’t know where they’re going to be). For the moon, the unpredictability comes from the unknown number of times the user will press the mouse, as well as where the moon will show up. The only consistent things about the moon are its starting location and size. The mountain at the bottom of the screen will never change. I’m happy with how my project turned out. It’s still similar to what I had originally planned.