Project #5 Free Verse Poem Generator

Click on sketch to generate a new poem. Link.


Free verse poem generator using Lorde lyrics and Sonic Colors quotes.

Design Process

For this project, I had a bit of trouble trying to choose a topic. I decided to go with a poem generator. New poems are generated when the mouse is clicked. I didn’t know what kind of poem or subject I wanted to explore, so Tega gave me some resources and suggested to either focus on a specific type of poem (such as a limerick, etc.), or different texts/subjects (such as the Communist Manifesto and startup language). I originally wanted to explore limericks, so I created a basic structure for a limerick that followed the standard AABBA format. I also included variables for the type of words I wanted to include (based on parts of speech and whether they were supposed to rhyme or not). In p5.js, I created different arrays for verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, and rhyming verbs, adjectives, and nouns for both the A and B rhymes. I also made variables that were supposed to choose different words. I also made an array for different fonts, which are also going to be chosen randomly. The background color of the sketch changes color based on the position of the mouse. I then decided to abandon the limerick idea as the words were random and didn’t necessarily mean anything, so I decided to experiment with a free verse type of poem made up of a combination of Lorde lyrics and Sonic Colors quotes. I wanted to explore the relationship between the seriousness of Lorde’s lyrics and the more lighthearted tone of the quotes from Sonic Colors. I got rid of the arrays for different parts of speech (verbs, nouns, etc.), and then decided to look for parts of Lorde lyrics and Sonic Colors quotes. Some of these were sentences cut in half or parts of sentences, so I created arrays for the start of the sentence and the end of a sentence. The lines generated result in amusing combinations. If I had more time, I would get rid of the “undefined” lines when the sketch is first run, because I don’t know how to get rid of them.

Concept Sketches:


This project was inspired by Darius Kazemi, Deborah Sim, and Hannah Tardie.

Quotes are taken from Sonic Colors

Song lyrics are from Pure Heroine and Melodrama by Lorde.