Project #4 The Clock

Tells the time using a name.


Adjective changes every minute. Name changes every hour.

Design Process

My inspiration for my clock project was the Unique Monsters from the Xenoblade Chronicles series. The Unique Monsters are more powerful than normal monsters, and they are given fancy names/titles to reflect this. Every Unique Monster name follows the following format: [adjective] [name]. I wanted to use this for my clock. Based on the minute and the hour, a specific name is displayed using the following format: [minute/adjective]:[hour/name]. I put 60 different adjectives (one for each minute) and 24 different names (one for each hour) into separate arrays. I created nested for loops that went through both the adjectives/minutes and names/hours arrays. I then set up an if statement to determine if the positions of the current array objects being compared matched the current time. If it did, the two values (adjective and name) are displayed on the screen (the line of code for this is at the bottom of the sketch file). After that, I set up another for loop in order to change the background colors, text colors, and fonts. For the background, I used the vertical gradient example from class. I used the modulo of the minute value in order to determine which background color, font, and text color should be used.


This project was inspired by the Unique Monsters of the Xenoblade Chronicles series.